Back when I only did intense cardio as my workouts, the word push-ups were not in my vocabulary. I was very afraid of either hurting myself. Or be made fun of for not knowing what I was doing. Girl push-ups were the only thing I could do. When I started to get serious about fitness and shifted my focus to weight lifting, push-ups were just the thing to do. Months after months of training. I perfected the man version of push-ups. There are days that I do about 45-50 push-ups at once. It’s now one of my favorite things to do. Often while at work, I will drop down and do 25 push-ups! Sometimes some of my coworkers do it with me. That makes my day! Here are 5 versions of push-ups that you should try:1. “BOSU push-ups” Turn a Bosu ball over, so that the half ball portion is on floor. Assume a push-up position and place your hands on the sides of the Bosu’s platform. Brace your core and glutes. You can also alternate between legs:
2. “Single leg push-ups” Begin at the top of the Push-up position with one hand out farther in front than the other. Lift the leg on your opposite side, keeping that knee straight and core tight. Keep your back straight and lower the torso under control. When you reach the floor, fire up your pecs and shoulders, and extend at the elbows to return to the starting position. Perform as many reps as you need reps on one side, then repeat with your other hand forward and leg raised.
3. ” Push Up to Side Plank” (or T Push-up) Begin at the bottom of the Push-up with your elbows bent and torso straight. Extend at the elbows to reach the high Push-up position. At the top of the movement, turn at the shoulders and reach one hand as high as possible toward the ceiling. Then reverse the motion and return under control back to the starting position. Switch between lifting your left and right arm on each rep.
4. “Regular Push-Ups” Start off by lying face down on the floor or on a mat with your feet together and arms shoulder-width apart. Slowly draw your abs in, inhale and raise your body off of the floor until your arms are straight, keeping your head and neck level with your body as this will be your starting position. As you lower yourself down towards the ground, exhale until your chest almost touches the ground and you feel a stretch in your chest muscles. Hold for a count at the bottom position and then return back up to the starting position.
5. “Incline Push-Ups” Place your hands on a box, bench, or step instead of the floor. Low your body until your chest nearly touches the bench. Pause at the bottom, and then push yourself back to the starting position as quickly as possible. I have used a tire as well to do these push-ups.
There you have it! Now, go out and try a new variation for your next Push ups!
XO, Nina
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